Soft Play Session Times

Term Time Soft Play Timetable

Term Time (Off-peak)

We’re open every day of the week.

Monday to Friday from 9.30am till 6pm during term time.
Saturdays from 10am till 6pm.
Sundays from 10am till 4pm.

Stay&Play: Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 3pm during term time.
Play as long as you like during this session.
£6.50 per child, £1.50 per adult.

Play After School: Monday to Friday 3pm - 6pm during term time. Join us and play after school.
All children get a FREE HOT DOG AND DRINK!
£7.50 per child, £1.50 per adult.

Soft Play: 2 hour long weekend sessions.
£6.50 per child, £1.50 per adult.

Sessions are suitable for children from walking age to 13yrs old. Children will need to be supervised by an adult (18 yrs+) at all times.

School Holidays (Peak)

We’re open every day of the week.

Monday to Saturday from 10am till 6pm during school holidays.
Sundays from 10am till 4pm.

Soft Play: Weekends and during school holidays.
2 hour long sessions.
£6.50 per child, £1.50 per adult.
Sessions are suitable for children from walking age to 13yrs old. Children will need to be supervised by an adult (18 yrs+) at all times.

Tots Club Soft Play: Mondays and Wednesdays 10am - 12pm during school holidays only. 2 hour long sessions.
£6.50 per child, £1.50 per adult.
These Tots sessions are suitable for children aged under 5yrs only.

Things to do on a rainy day

Our soft play sessions are great during all weathers, but if you’re looking for something to keep your tots occupied on a rainy day Wonderland Play is a great way to get out and jump, climb, slide and run free!

Things to do on a rainy day